Friday, November 18, 2011

...........and so it begins

Hi everyone,

My name is Kimberly Hedrick.  I am a complete beginner at blogging, but I love to talk and share, so I am sure I will find my way.  I racked my brain for days on what to name this blog and what it should be about. Then it hit me that I was trying too hard and it needed to be a reflection of me.  I am a Gemini and my mood does change rapidly.  I become bored easily and thus my interests change often; however the one thing that remains constant,  is my love of all things beautiful in life. The name,  "Kimberly's Klutter" seemed like a logical choice, since my mind is always cluttered with ideas and things that I want to do.  I love art, photography, decorating, traveling, good books, recipes and music. Therefore that is what this blog will be ............and more.  My hope is that every person visiting will find something of interest. If  you gain only a smile from the music or encouragement from an inspirational quote, then I did something right.  Thanks for visiting and please enjoy~


  1. Hi Kimberly,
    I am so excited to be your first follower and make the first comment!!! Woohoo!! Welcome to blogland!! You are going to meet so many nice people and have so much fun. So glad to meet you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and reading all your adventures!

  2. Thank you Julie. I am very excited about blogging. I love your blog very much and feel extremely flattered that you were my first follower. I love learning new things and this is a learning experience, for sure.
    Thanks again,

  3. Hey Kim, Love the new blog. You are truly a sweet Carolina girl! I'm looking forward to all your "klutter" stuff. Keep it coming.

    A Carolina girl too,
    Rosemary Deaton
