Monday, November 21, 2011

take a moment to be thankful......

A very good friend's son was in a horrible four wheeling accident yesterday.  He just got married last week and is in the hospital with head injuries today.  It just made me stop and think about how easy it is to forget to be thankful.  I don't believe we do it because we are selfish and ungrateful. Life gets so busy with jobs, errands, kid's homework and everything else, that we don't have a moment to stop and just think......

I don't know about you, but our children tend to complain about what all of their friends have.  As adults, it is easy to wish we had what the Jones family next door has; to question why we haven't been as blessed as someone else.  It is very easy to think about all that we don't have, but how often do we think about what we have?  Why does it take someone else's tragedy to remind us?  I hope you can take a moment today to reflect on the things that you are thankful for.


  1. Kimberly,
    Thank you for the lovely reminder of how we should be grateful. I do always try to remember that things could always be worse when I am having a bad day or sick, and it usually helps. I'll say a prayer for that young man. Thank God he survived the accident. I will be thinking of all the things I am thankful for today, and being thankful for all the nice people like you I have met through blogging is on my list.
    Have a great Thanksgiving.
